12:30 PM - Registration Opens
Welcome and Keynote Introduction:
Caryn Schenewerk - Chairwoman, CSF BG (ret.)
Wayne Monteith - Associate Administration of Commercial Space Transportation, FAA
Keynote Speaker: Administrator Senator Bill Nelson, NASA
Featured Speaker: Congressman Brian Babin - Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, House Science Committee
Panel: The Second Revolution of Suborbital Spaceflight
Description: At a time when a growing number of commercial space companies are or will soon be providing cost-effective and frequent access to suborbital space for humans and research payload, the importance of the utility of commercial reusable suborbital vehicles to contributing NASA and the nation's science, education, and technology priorities is a vital discussion. This panel will explore topics of commercial suborbital spaceflight and its importance to national objectives.
Featured Speaker: Erinne Uzo-Okoro - Assistant Director for Space Policy, OSTP
Panel: Why Space is Critical to Climate If You Can't Measure It, You Can't Manage It
Description: Space capabilities continue to provide the scientific community indisputable data in determining that climate change is both real and accelerating, and in understanding where the impacts are being most felt. These capabilities assist in measuring temperature changes, precise counts of greenhouse gas emissions, sea-level rise, ice and forest cover losses, and more. This panel discusses these relevant intersections.
Panel: Transitioning to Commercial LEO and the Future of Manufacturing in Space
Description: This past year, the commercial space industry has seen sweeping investment in commercial LEO infrastructure. The potential of on-orbit servicing and benefits of a commercialized LEO is helping to drive the future of commercial operation in LEO is a timely and relevant discussion. This panel will discuss the emerging commercial actors in LEO - from space habitats to on-orbit servicing and perspectives on the future of commerce.
Presentation of PGS Scholarship Recipients
5:45 PM - Adjourn
*Additional speakers and panelists to be added.
All conference guests are invited to attend the Patti Grace Smith Fellowship Reception at a location to be determined.
8:00 AM - Registration
Announcing Soon: Opening Keynote
Panel: Congressional Outlook
Description: Policymakers continue interest and engagement on space issues over the last several years. This panel will explore priorities and what to expect during this second session of Congress.
Featured Speaker: Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen - Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA
Fireside Chat
Featured Speaker: Administrator Steve Dickson - FAA
Panel: Upcoming Processes and Procedures of Regulatory Reform and Airspace Integration within Commercial Space
Description: As technologies develop, the opportunity exists for the creation of tools that manage airspace surrounding launch and reentry. This panel will examine what capabilities the aviation and launch industries would like to see in airspace integration over the next decade and how recent policies have helped or hindered space advancements.
Luncheon, CSF Awards Presentation & Featured Speaker: Luncheon Keynote: Senatore John Hickenlooper - Chair, Subcommittee on Science and Space, U.S. Senate Commerce Committee
Featured Speaker: James Reuter - Associate Administrator, Space Technology, Mission Directorate, NASA
Panel: Sustainable Space Exploration: How Commercial Space is enabling the Exploration of the Cosmos
Description: The U.S. continues to discus and leverage sustainable space exploration technologies to support Moon-to-Mars missions and science and robotic exploration toward other planetary bodies and destination. This panel will discuss industry's role in the creation of sustainable space exploration technologies and how commercial innovation and competition can benefit national objectives.
Featured Speaker: Kathryn Lueders - Associate Administrator, Space Operations Mission Directorate, NASA
Panel: Space Situational Awareness, Space Traffic Coordination, and Orbital Debris Mitigation, Steps Forward
Description: Space Situational Awareness, Space Traffic Coordination and Orbital Debris Mitigation are vital to components to protect space as a critical infrastructure. In light of recent events and current conversations on these topics, this panel will explore regulatory and commercial SSA/STM technologies and what steps are necessary for continued progress.
Panel: Advancing Space Launch Infrastructure
Description: Space launch infrastructure is the essential first step in getting to space. Our nation's space launch infrastructure consists of a diverse range of federal, commercial, and private launch sites, yet this is not a uniform federal funding mechanism for infrastructure improvements at launch sites. This panel will discuss the associated issues and various solutions to advancing our nation's space launch infrastructure.
5:15 PM Conference Closing Statements:
Wayne Monteith, Associate Administrator of Commercial Space Transportation, FAA
*Additional speakers and panelists to be added.
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